SI4732 ATS-25 max-Decoder Full-Band Radio Receiver, Built-in Morse Code and Digital Communication decoder Support CW RTTY FT4 FT8 LSB
商品情報 SI4732 ATS-25 max-Decoder Full-Band Radio Receiver, Built-in Morse Code and Digital Communication decoder Support CW RTTY FT4 FT8 LSB ,4.17 Official Registered Code ATS25 Max Decoder Si4732 Full Band Radio Receiver FM RDS AM LW MW SW SSB DSP Receiver ATS 25 - AliExpress 44,ATS25 Max Decoder Si4732 Radio Receiver Receiver with Official Activation Code,ATS-25max-Decoder Si4732A10 Full-Ba N D Receiver Support CW RTTY FT8 FT4 SW MW, Weytoll ATS-25MAX デコーダー V2 2.4 インチタッチスクリーンポータブルフルバンドラジオ受信機 HAM 周波数変調ラジオ検索 CW デコード WiFi LNA BT 機能 : 楽器・音響機器